Building up Bush Camp

We were recently lucky enough to be awarded a grant from Durham University to develop facilities for our field station, and work has now begun!

We are developing an existing camp at Lajuma, known as Bush Camp. The first step is reinforcing the bamboo structures, which although they have an undeniable rustic charm, at present are rather permeable to rain, wind, spiders, snakes and bush babies! Then we will be upgrading the existing petrol generator and gas hot water to solar power, to increase their capacity and make them more sustainable and economical to run. Finally we will putting up a few safari tents for additional accommodation, building an office (with internet access!), and adding a store room and car port! Maybe one day we will even get a car to put in the car port! Most excitingly (for me, at least) we also hope to install a networked data storage system so all our files will be in a single safe, regularly-backed-up place instead of scattered across a dozen laptops and hard drives.

We live in exciting times. Exciting times indeed.



Existing bamboo accommodation block


Newly reinforced accommodation block


View of the cliffs from the proposed site of the office


stars bush camp

The stars above Bush Camp (Photograph courtesy of Anna Cura Rhodes)


Camp fire at Bush Camp (Photograph courtesy of Anna Cura Rhodes)